How many times in our lives do we have "ideas" that seem so great in our heads, but as we try to articulate them, they fall to the floor like dust bunnies in the wind? It happens to me all
the time anyway. We can feel so inspired one moment, and then later remember only one facet of our great idea, and it now looks like a tiny piece of dried up playdough. Good for nothing. Is it just my ADD brain that does that to me? Or is this common among everyone? I have learned that if I am feeling inspired, I must go immediately and work on it or I lose it. There have been times when I couldn't or didn't go right away to work out my thoughts and, after it has evaporated into thin air, I have prayed in earnest that God would reveal it to me again so I could follow through. It never seems to work that way. Then I question if I ever had those thoughts of what seemed like divine inspiration in the first place. Sometimes I think I'm mad. Insane in the membrane. If God were really trying to give me inspired thought, why does he let it dissipate, never to be remembered? Perhaps I'll ask him that someday, if I remember. :)So I have been thinking about "rejoicing" lately. I think it's divine inspiration. I have started researching it in the Bible, and it is leading me down other paths, and back to paths that I, and others, have been on before. Sometimes everything in life seems connected. And I think maybe it is. But then there are times when I feel like my thoughts are floating on an ice cube in a sink full of warm water, connected to nothing, and quickly beginning to deliquesce.
I wonder if Jesus ever had thoughts like this when he was here as human. Or were his thoughts always in perfect connection with his Father? I wonder. I very much look forward to the day that I am in perfect communion with God with no sin or human nature in the way.
Phillipians 3:12 (NIV) "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."
Deliquesce. You and your big words. This word is kinda gross if you look it up. And for the record, as anyone who knows me well can attest, my brain is melting.
First of all, cool to see that you are reading Walking on Water, because (a) it is truly one of the great books of all time--yes, that's my opinion--, and (b) Madeleine L'Engle, now with the Lord, will likely be one of my all-time favorites until I join her there. Talk about spiritual eyes!
As to your lost thoughts, Roald Dahl once wrote about this very thing. He said usually just a word or two allowed him to remember the whole idea. He told a story of how he once had a great idea and had nothing to write with and no place to write, except in the dust on the windshield of the car he was driving! He pulled over and scribbled ELEVATOR in the dust. When he got home, he was then able to flesh out the idea more fully in his notebook for later writing.
Note: This little story is not meant for instruction but for commisseration. When will we ever learn not to let these gems slip through our fingers?
Oooh! I hate that! Sometimes I think of myself as a tardis. My insides are bigger than my outsides, and the larger rarely translates to the smaller.
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